More Information
The North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX) is an excellent organization to join for anyone interested in growing, evaluating, developing, improving, discovering and appreciating fruits and nuts. Some of their members “grow and explore the potential of under-utilized species.” We invite members of NAFEX (and others) to contribute relevant information to this website. Members of NAFEX receive a quarterly publication of e-mail communications among members (POMONA).
University of Wisconsin Division of Extension has a New Crops Accelerator, with information on berries. The species featured (as of 2023) are aronia, currents, elderberries, honeyberries and day neutral strawberries.
Dale’s work on aronia, black currents, elderberries and sea berries is available as a brochure.
Two books recommended by Carandale Farm:
Uncommon Fruits for Every Garden, by Lee Reich
The Berry Grower’s Companion, by Barbara L. Bowling
(both books published by Timber Press)